Dr. Joy Browne

The blog of radio psychologist Dr. Joy Browne, heard on the WOR Radio Network.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

okay my little adorablenesses: i have now done it; my broadway debut has been launched as have i. i was on stage for an hour last nite, not only spelling (not all that well, but i knew everybody else's words...) singing, dancing, reacting and just having fun. i expected to be up there for five minits or so and the audience asked me how long i'd rehearsed afterwards and wanted to know who was my agent. so have your people call my people. oh, the show...of course the 25th annual putnam county spelling bee and yes, i have my juice carton even tho i couldn't find my downfall word in the dictionary having to do with religion, gulp...medicine i can spell, religion, lucky not to get hit by lightning, the word was synochelle, tho i'm still not sure that's the right spelling...stay tuned for my tony nomination, guess it will have to be next year.

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